Team Joyce would like to say a huge Congratulations to Sophie Elphick riding a Lals Haven horse called LH Adelia. Sophie has been working very hard for many months trying to juggle a very busy work schedule and lessons with Wesley to experience a little bit of good fortune. The pair have been out and about to only a few competitions and as we all know a young horse is hard continuous work but can be very rewarding in the long run. Sophie is a very determined well established rider and wants to compete E.A showjumping next season on LH Adelia but needs to start at the bottom and work her way up gradually.

Sophie Elphick riding LH Adelia at Boneo Park, sorry I only have this picture at the moment of the winning pair!
James her husband has nothing but praise for all her effots and is always right behind her encouraging her she will be fine and just go for it! You can hear James at the end of the round soundsing very pleased with their efforts of jumping clean and quick!.

James Elphick on left, Sarah Joyce and Sophie walking LH Adelia, look at ALL the smiles……
Written by Sophie:
I was so pleased with how she went. Thank you both for all your help and encouragement! Having a round like that one makes all the hard work worth it. Hopefully there will be more like that to come!
We get a huge buzz out of hearing the latest news from our sold Lals Haven horses and look forward to reading more stories in the near future from them all!